Showing posts with label ads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ads. Show all posts

Monday, 1 July 2013

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Thursday, 27 June 2013

Apple's ads failing, says firm that called Surface ads effective


Ace Metrix, a company that likes to think it knows how to measure TV ad effectiveness, says Apple's new ads are not a success with consumers.

Once you put a number on something, that's it, isn't it?
Your height, your shoe size, your IQ, they all define you.
Some companies like to put a number on ads. Why wallow in thinking about the emotional impact of an ad, when you can just give it a number -- pass or fail?
I was moved to utter stasis, therefore, when Bloomberg offered me the pulsating news that Apple's latest ad -- the one introducing the line "Designed by Apple in California" was a mere 489.
A 489 is about the level of, oh, a Jay Leno joke or an Ann Taylor dress. Yes, the industry average is 542. So this ad is dancing topless in the Mediocrity Lounge. (Other recent Apple ads are scoring at 560 and 537, so they're not exactly Ginger Rogers either.)
As I shed a large, lugubrious tear for Cupertino, I suddenly remembered where I'd heard about Ace Metrix before.

This is the company that declared Microsoft's original Surface ads demolished Apple's work in terms of effectiveness.
Yes, that snappy, unforgettable opus with teenagers in little skirts, cavorting with Surfaces, scored a 674.
The only odd lack of correlation was between this score and the numbers recorded by Microsoft's sales department.
I am sure that Ace Metrix has wonderful metrics. After all, it surveys "at least" 500 people before raising its scorecard like Bruno Tonioli on "Dancing With The Stars."
Yet I fear that, as with every survey ever created, there are tiny snags, considerable inefficiencies.

Still, it doesn't mean that -- given the fine numerical law of averages -- Ace Metrix might not have lucked out on some truths here.
It claims its respondents moan that the new ad is both too sad and too long.
I don't have that problem. What's troubling is Apple's lurching into talking about itself, in rather labored terms.
Even when it created the "Here's To The Crazy Ones" ad, it never talked of itself. It simply added its logo to a sentiment.
This time, we hear of "the experience of a product." We hear about a product: "Does it deserve to exist?", as we see a tourist ignoring the locals because he's too busy playing with his iPad.
There's a lot of "we" in the voiceover.
I'd like to tell you a secret: this ad was originally conceived without all the we-ing. The voiceover was added at a later stage.
That is a pity.
Social networking,
Technically Incorrect,

Saturday, 22 June 2013

iPhone users are brain-dead zombies, says new Nokia ad

In its latest attempt to paint those who have an iPhone as retrograde, Nokia offers that its camera doesn't need to use flash, while the iZombie camera pales by comparison.

A severe case of red-eye.
(Credit: Nokia/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET) They are red-eyed and dead-eyed.
They are brain-dead and stiff-lipped.
Their pale faces stare at you, ready to infect you, so that they can affect you. Who are these people? These are the iZombies.
Yes, no sooner had Samsung become somewhat bored with smacking at Apple's pinata of faith then Nokia decided that it, too, must show iPhone users as a group gone awry.
In a new ad to press home the advantage of the flashy, nonflashy camera on the 925 phone, Nokia paints iPhone users as zombies: all flash and no panache.

Here we have the lone Nokia user. Yes, it's David Byrne from his Talking Heads days.
He walks a lonely path. Well, he is the only person in his neighborhood with a Nokia 925.
Some balk at its bulk. Some collapse at its lack of apps. But it has a wonderful camera.
All around him, there are those who wish to blind him with their light. He, though, finds it all rather sinister.
"Can't they see themselves? he wonders. "Don't they realize what pale imitations they are? Even Apple admits that all its users are simply mindless cultists who need to photograph the world on their iPhone, rather than, say, living."
It seems they realize nothing. There are too many of them. They no longer have minds of their own. They just want to flash him with their wares.
How will it end? Will he end up one of them? Will his eyes turn red, his neck turn stiff, and his gait become that of a drunk?
I'm in the dark on that one.