Saturday, 20 July 2013

4 Things You’ll Feel Right Before a Heart Attack

 When your body tries to tell you something, how well do you listen?

With many health issues, your body sends out signals that something has gone awry. Of course, listening to your body when it complains that you just ate too much spicy food or you have a minor cold coming on may not be of life-shattering importance.

However, when it comes to your heart, listening to your body is crucial — because ignoring or misinterpreting these bodily signals can be deadly.

In fact, researchers at Duke University Medical Center have recently determined that unrecognized myocardial infarctions (or “silent” heart attacks, in layman’s terms) are much more common than physicians had previously suspected. And unfortunately, they note these silent heart attacks carry a very high risk of death.

Studies indicate that about 200,000 Americans suffer a heart attack each year without even realizing it. These unrecognized heart attacks account for about one-fourth of all heart attacks, making this a serious public health issue.

Fortunately, according to renowned cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall, you can easily train yourself to listen to your own body’s signals when it comes to the state of your heart health.

Dr. Crandall recently collaborated with Newsmax Health to make available a special video presentation: 4 Things You’ll Feel Right Before a Heart Attack. In this no-cost video, you’ll see four major ways your body tries to warn you — before it’s too late to intervene and survive the damage.

Because, while they are called “silent” heart attacks, your body will warn you of these impending attacks days, weeks, even months before the actual cardiac events. However, symptoms may be mild, vague, or even painless — and many people don’t even realize they’re heart-related.

In particular, four things you could feel are the most sinister signs of a silent heart attack. Just don’t expect the stereotypical “Hollywood” heart attack, where you see an actor clutching at the left side of his chest in severe pain. This is actually less common.

When it comes to surviving a heart attack, statistics show a clear link between delay in treatment and disability or death. That’s why knowing what to look for in terms of symptoms is critical, especially when they’re the kind that most people don’t think to associate with a heart attack — like the four things in this complimentary video presentation: 4 Things You’ll Feel Right Before a Heart Attack. The video also discusses simple strategies to prevent and reverse general heart disease and high cholesterol.

Dr. Crandall, chief of the cardiac transplant program at the esteemed Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida, practices on the front lines of interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology. Decades of experience have afforded him the chance to detect little-known warning signs and symptoms like the ones addressed in the video.

Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax Health is making 4 Things You’ll Feel Before a Heart Attack: A Newsmax Heart Health Special Report available at no charge. Click here to discover how to listen more effectively to your body’s signals about your heart health.

Will technology ever deliver a perfect speaker or headphone?

Aside from a handful of audiophiles, no one really wants that -- even if it were compact and affordable. Everyone just wants a sound that sounds good to them.
It's got to be the No. 1 audiophile fantasy: someday we'll have a breakthrough that allows speakers to perfectly reproduce sound. Once the engineers find a new way of moving air -- presumably a more accurate method than a vibrating cone, dome, or flat diaphragm -- the heavens will part and we'll suddenly hear the sound of real instruments and singers through our hi-fis. Not so fast -- that would be a great start, but once the sound leaves the speakers and interacts with your living room's acoustics, all bets are off. Put aside the perfect speaker fantasy for a second, even if you had Radiohead in your 14-by-21-foot living room, it wouldn't sound very good. A symphony orchestra would have even less of a chance of unleashing its full potential in such a small space. Remember, the acoustics and spatial characteristics of a club or concert hall have a huge impact on the sound of real instruments; reproduced instruments in your living room wouldn't stand a chance. Unlike a concert hall, your home's acoustics weren't designed with sound in mind.
Then again, perfect fidelity to the original sound of a band playing in a studio wasn't part of the engineers and production team's agenda, and chances are high that a song's final mix never includes the band actually playing the tune from start to finish. Today's music is assembled from bits and pieces of sound, some real, some not. Then it's pitch corrected, processed, compressed, and manipulated in various ways, and perfect speakers would just make all of the trickery all that much more obvious. Fact is, the engineers know that most folks will be listening to their handiwork over less-than-stellar Bluetooth speakers or free earbuds. Play those recordings over a speaker or headphone that exactly reproduces the intricacies of the mix, and it's not going to sound so good.
I'm not claiming that's true for all recordings; just the majority of them. Most people don't buy music based on sound quality and that's fine, but the audiophiles yearning for perfect-sounding gear rarely consider that inconvenient truth. A not-quite-perfect recording can never sound truly lifelike. A perfect speaker won't change that.
We don't really want perfect sound reproduction -- we want sound that sounds good to us. I'm suggesting that instead of waiting for that unattainable breakthrough, just go ahead and buy hi-fis and headphones that make the music you like sound good to you. You like tons of bass? Buy the bassiest headphones or speakers you can find. If you like to listen at superquiet volume levels and still hear all the details in the music, there's gear that will take you there. Good sound truly is in the ear of the beholder.
There's still time to write an article for the You can be the Audiophiliac for a day "contest." Next month, I'll turn over the reins of this blog to one lucky reader. It could be you.

Apple's quest for an iWatch on every wrist

Apple's quest for an iWatch on every wrist

The challenge for Apple and others trying to crack the code on wearables is to produce an appealing device for a mass market that doesn't need a watch to tell time and doesn't want to get all wound up by an overly complicated gadget.
A mockup showing what an Apple iWatch might look like.

Many signs are pointing to Apple incubating a wearable wristband, perhaps an "iWatch," given all the trademark applications the company has filed for the name. Apple is reportedly moving around some of its top engineers, and is hiring experts in sensors and in digital fitness and medical technologies, to build up a special task force to create a product that can follow in the grand footsteps of the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. The company has also filed 79 patents containing the word "wrist."
Read: 9to5Mac: iWatch's novelty emerges as Apple taps sensor and fitness experts
During an interview at the D11 conference in May, Apple CEO Tim Cook, who wears a Nike Fuel Band and has been on Nike's board of directors since 2005, coyly said that he found wearable computing "profoundly interesting" and "ripe for exploration."
It could be that Apple is working on a competitor to Google Glass, but the company isn't telling. Cook has categorized Google Glass, which works with the iPhone, as more of a niche item that's "probably more likely to appeal to certain markets." In any case, the iGlass name is taken -- it's a 3D glassblowing simulation iOS app.
Cook pointed out the difficult task in front of Apple's growing team dedicated to wearables. He cautioned that "you have to convince people it's so incredible you want to wear it," noting that most young people don't wear watches on their wrists.
Apple's team has a great deal of research material to work with in its quest to develop an "incredible" iWatch. The smartwatch category is littered with failed products and teeming with new attempts to crack the code. So far, none of the candidates, which are primarily accessories for Android and iOS smartphones, have reached critical mass.
The Pebble Watch, which has music controls, text messaging, call notifications, and a mini-app platform, and the Martian Passport Watch, which screens phone calls and messages and even makes phone calls, are among the recent entrants. Sony is revamping its Smart Watch, and Samsung and Microsoft are reportedly also working on wrist-bound devices.

A modern smartwatch wouldn't be complete without sensors and apps for fitness and health monitoring, such as those provided by the Jawbone Up, the Nike FuelBand, the Fitbit Flex, and the Basis Band.
No doubt Apple can come up with a compelling design and engineering magic to deliver the most elegant looking smartwatch that materials science and industrial design can render.
Do an image search on "iWatch" and you'll discover plenty of fanciful renderings of the rumored device, from various blogs and Web sites.
(Credit: Screenshot by Edward Moyer/CNET)
The challenge for Apple and others trying to crack the code on wearables is producing a device that appeals to a mass market that doesn't need a watch to tell time or view blockbuster movies. The user experience for the tiny screen must feel intuitive and be simple to operate -- otherwise it will scare away the nongeeks. It can't frustrate users with physical or virtual button controls that require complex combinations to perform a function, or a battery that lasts only a few days.
Apple has done this kind of development triage with its other mobile products, which involves eliminating functions rather than trying to satisfy every possible user need. CNET's Scott Stein has reviewed most of the smartwatches in recent history and is a fan of the iPod Nano watch. He suggests that the key to a successful iWatch is replicating the app platform formula and cool design that fueled the growth of the iPhone and iPad, but at a price far less than that of an iPhone or iPad.
Read: Nine things the iWatch (or any other smartwatch) needs
I'd expect a wearable device to work with multiple apps, not just one. And I'd want to interact via touch, voice, or both, with software hooks into supported apps. Most smartwatches I've seen are limited to a custom app that funnels certain functions. Apple could bake a deeper level of iWatch support right into iOS, and even let other app developers build support for it via an SDK, too. Imagine motion-tracking games, health tech providers building monitoring systems that work via an iWatch...or specific watch apps for other outdoor needs (sports, travel, weather, and so on). Follow a live sports event on your watch with second-screen updates. Load custom Twitter or IM feeds. Turn it into a remote control, or even a wearable baby monitor screen. If there's any way for a smartwatch to break out of its definitional niche and become a killer device, it's with app support.
The iWatch has been pegged by Apple watchers for launch either later this year or next year. Whenever an iWatch appears, the expectations are high that it will redefine the smartwatch category as an extension of the iOS platform, and sell in the tens of millions in the first year. If not, the Apple watchers will start to question whether the company is losing its magic touch.